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Legal Representation


An expungement is the process by which a prior criminal charge and all associated documents are destroyed. You may obtain an expungement for a charge that was dismissed, diverted, and in some cases even where it resulted in a conviction.


There are many reasons for seeking an expungement of a past arrest or conviction. The benefits of expunging old arrests are significant because when completed these arrests will no longer show up on a background check. Benefits of expunging these records include –

  • making it easier to get a job

  • improved credit rating

  • admission to school

  • better insurance rates


The ramifications of having a conviction or an old arrest on your record go far beyond what you might realize. It is worth your time to pursue an expungement so you can have a fresh start. The Isaacs Law Firm would be happy to assist you in working toward getting these incidents expunged from your record. Call our offices today at 865-673-4953 and ask about having a free consultation to discuss your options.



The attorneys at the Isaacs Law Firm can quickly evaluate your arrest history and determine what arrests may be expungeable.  

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